How To Properly Stage Your Home

23 November 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Staging your home requires more than simply making the bed or setting the good pillows on the couch. You want to make your entire home memorable to everyone that looks at your home. You can stage your home yourself by following the tips below on how to properly stage your home.

Get Rid Of Clutter

Go through your home and get rid of clutter that you have laying around. This is a good time to go through your items and downsize. Get rid of items you don't need, don't use or don't want. Put those old decorations and other items in an off-site storage unit to help open up your home a bit. You want potential buyers to see the space you have in your home and it's hard to see that space when it's filled with your clutter. Also take out excess furniture to make rooms appear larger. Instead of having a couch and love-seat in your living room, take out the love-seat to free up some space. Free up space along counters, dressers and bookshelves as well.

Let In Light

To make your home seem larger, let the light into your home. Open up the blinds and curtains throughout your home. You can also adjust your curtain rods so they are wider than your window, this way your windows appear larger. It allows more light into your home, since you can open the curtains fully to the side of the windows, instead of blocking the windows.

Go Neutral

If your home is painted with bright colors, you may want to think about painting your house with neutral colors throughout. The neutral color pallet helps make your home appear larger and also gives it a more cohesive look. Think about painting with light tans, off-whites or grays. A neutral pallet also helps a potential buyer imagine their belongings and decor in your home.

Fake It

To give bedrooms that don't have headboards a decorative boost, fake a headboard by gluing fabric to a piece of foam and hanging it on the wall behind your bed. If your bed sits on the floor, make it look like it has a frame by lifting it up with milk crates and hide the crates with a bed skirt. For rooms that don't have beds in them at all, use a blow up mattress, attach the fake headboard and lift it up with milk crates as well. You can fake decorative wall art by attaching fabric to foam and hanging them on the wall as well. Use mirrors throughout your home to help make rooms appear larger. Do this by setting a mirror in the corner of a small living room or bedroom. The mirrors can also help with lighting issues by bouncing light across the room.

Be sure to also stage the exterior of your home by adding landscaping such as beautiful flowers and greenery, power washing your siding and trimming back over-growth (such as trees and shrubs). Painting your front door will also help give your home extra appeal and set it apart from neighboring homes. Add a new welcome mat, new house numbers and a small topiary near the entrance for a welcoming feel.

Staging your home properly helps potential buyers imagine their lives in your home, which can help to sell your home faster. Talk to an interior design professional for more information.
