Want To Buy A Starter Home With Great Resale Value? Prioritize Homes With Hardwood Floors

6 August 2016
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Any home in decent condition has the potential to be sold. But, there are features that are more appealing to potential buyers. When you are on the hunt for a starter home, you may not be extremely attached to the features that you get with it because you know it is not going to last forever. But, you should pay attention to some features for the sole purpose of enjoying an impressive resale value on the property. Most homes for sale have tile, carpet, or hardwood floors, and in this case, you should prioritize hardwood.

Avoid Heavy Costs to Replace Carpeting

Carpet only lasts so long, and you may not want to try to sell a home with carpeting on its last leg. It may be impossible to make it look good when put next to a fresh interior paint job and professional staging. Having to replace the carpet can put a major expense right into your hands. Just the installation can run you around $1,500, and then you have to pay around $2 per square foot of carpet for the whole home.

Homebuyers Prefer Hardwood Floors

It is important to know that 54% of people looking to buy a home are willing to pay extra to get one that boasts hardwood flooring. Not every offer is going to be what you want to see, but knowing that so many buyers are willing to pay more is not an opportunity you want to pass up. Just make sure it is true hardwood and not laminate as this alternative does not have the same benefits of the real deal.

Hardwood Can Be Refinished

If you are worried about the hardwood not looking so great when you are ready to sell the home, you can just sand the entire surface and refinish it to bring it back to its former glory. This is easier to accomplish with real hardwood compared to engineered flooring because the veneer is not that thick. As long as you keep up with waterproofing the hardwood floor throughout your time as the homeowner, you should be able to avoid most problems that would involve costly repairs or replacing some of the wood planks.

Hardwood flooring may not seem like a typical feature to prioritize, unless you were determined to have it due to personal preference. But, it can help you sell the home faster and for more money in the future.
